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experience private ​transportation with ​us

Attend our ​tailored events

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asset Manamgent

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We invest, create, curate and ​manage real estate space to be ​more customizable, more flexible ​and more easily adaptable to rapid ​market shifts, while shaping the ​customer experience around our ​philosophy with the goal of ​maximizing the return on ​investment.

Homeloan Price Property Realestate Condominium Icon

Private Transportation

We offer full access to private, ​dependable, luxury transportation, ​driven by highly trained chauffeurs ​with a fully customizable service ​offering and the option of certified ​and licensed security.

Innovative brands in ​Food and Beverage

Restaurant Menu List Food and Beverage

We create, structure, and scale ​innovative brands and ideas across ​the Food & Beverage spectrum ​providing sensory and lifestyle brand ​management, training, staffing, ​operational processes refinement, ​decor direction, producing sensory ​qualities to ensure a unique and ​consistent experience.

Fashion Merchandising Icon Style



We give our customers an ​opportunity to feel they are a part ​of our brands and that our brands ​are an expression of their ​personality and lifestyle. It's our ​way of connecting.

Entertainment and ​Lifestyle Media coordinates and ​manages tailored events that ​appeal to our clients’ interests and ​are shaped by our philosopy. In ​addition ,we produce, license, and ​distribute media focused on ​content that's relevant to people's ​everyday lifestyles.

Get to know US

Nine Lifestyle, LLC is a vertically integrated ​​lifestyle hospitality group currently focused on ​​building integrated brands in food and beverage, ​​private transportation, hospitality asset ​​management, entertainment, lifestyle media, and ​​brand merchandising. With a mission to humanize ​​hospitality through handcrafted sensory, ​lifestyle ​brands, and top-level service offerings, ​our ​philosophy is based on the principle that one ​​should “Live Life By Design” in the pursuit of ​​perfection and expression that reflects one’s ​​authentic nature. We call that “Living to the Ni​nes.”

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Health & Wellness Summit

Sprig & Sky

Our ​Philosophy

Everything we do and create is a reflection of our ​philosophy “Live Life By Design,” incorporating the ​elements of design and sensory marketing to tap into ​the human senses to evoke emotions. We create the ​preferred lifestyle through a tailored look, feel, and ​experience. This is shaped around four principles: ​Individuality (Personal Connection and Enjoyment), ​Exclusivity, High-Quality Product Experience, and ​Social Value (Prestige and Status). Hence our brand ​name,

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Origin Of Nine lifestyle brand

Quotation marks

9 is the mystic number of the universe. The power of nine in numerology is completion and mastery, the final phase of a period of growth.

Being a life path 9 means embarking on a lifelong quest to quench an insatiable thirst for growth, new and better experiences, and Perfection.

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OUR team

Or​onde Roussell

Shanice Fa​ison

Ja​a St. Julien

Get Creative With Us

Tel: +1-713-714-5669

Business Hours

Monday - Friday: 9 AM — 5PM

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